

OK Now It’s Personal: Advertising to Today’s Digital Consumer

February 23, 2015 — by MediaMath    

Over the past twenty years, the ad tech industry has invested in the plumbing, developing cutting edge technology to be able to decision, bid, and deliver an ad impression in milliseconds to the right user at the right time. But optimizing the right creative to the right user—personalizing the content at the user level—has become a fundamental requirement in the age of the customer. Where competition is just a click away, making content relevant and engaging to your customers is the key to creating a tailored user experience.

Today the average American user sees 1,903 ads a month, but reports show that only 2.8% of users find these ads relevant. At the same time, a recent eMarketer article from December found that “just 5% of client-side marketers worldwide said they were personalizing extensively, and 10% of agency professionals said the same about their clients. Meanwhile, 29% of marketers and 26% of agencies’ clients weren’t doing anything.” This study reveals a significant gap between the perceived importance of personalizing experiences at the right time, and the ability of companies to deliver on it. Advertisers are using dynamic creative optimization (DCO) in conjunction with MediaMath’s audience targeting capabilities to close the gap, and they are seeing the benefits.

Increased efficiencies
DCO allows marketers to automate and scale the development of compelling customer experiences without having their creative teams start from scratch for each audience. Advertisers can run hundreds or even thousands of ad permutations on one ad tag, and the right creative can automatically be assembled based on a number of data points, such as user’s shopping behavior, geo, weather, third party data, site context, and their offline CRM data.

Enhanced performance and customer insights
With DCO, showing the right ad to the right person means enriching the customer experience, but at the end of the day, the reason why savvy marketers are using the technology is because of its performance. The technology allows for true performance optimization by learning what creative elements are doing the most work against the campaign goal while swapping out underperforming creative. It’s no wonder we see anywhere from 30 – 300% increases in conversion when marketers use DCO. Because every creative variation is dependent on data, advertisers can drill down to the version, creative, and product level to analyze specific interactions and conversion activity that can reveal latent customer behavior patterns.

Today reaching the right audience is no longer an issue; marketers are looking to make their messages more meaningful and relevant. MediaMath is now offering DCO on FBX, allowing advertisers to buy Facebook media in real-time, and extend their personalization strategies across their supply, showing the most relevant messages in their customer’s Newsfeed or Right-Hand rail ads. Additionally, Facebook recognizes the value that dynamic creative can deliver on FBX; a recent AdExchanger article notes how “going forward, Facebook wants FBX to be more completely focused on dynamic product-level retargeting of the sort that has become common in the retail and travel sectors.”

MediaMath makes DCO available through best-in-breed partners that share our vision of transparency and allow advertisers to own the creative process, the strategy, and their data. And in partnership with MediaMath OPEN partner Flashtalking, Andy Pocock, Flashtalking’s SVP North America Strategic Business Development, says of the new launch: “Flashtalking’s advanced programmatic capabilities combined with MediaMath’s advanced media targeting to produce impactful advertising across display, mobile, video and now social with the FBX integration. Advertisers can now take advantage of powerful tactics such as retargeting, product recommendations and trending engines to ensure the exact right message to their audiences, improving relevancy and ultimately conversion.”

Stay tuned for a follow up post in which we outline several DCO tips and tricks for advertisers looking to take their personalization to the next level.