

What Do You Know About In-App?

December 24, 2014 — by MediaMath    

As the holidays are coming to a close, thousands of people will undoubtedly be receiving shiny new devices from their loved ones this season. As these happy owners explore their newly unwrapped smartphone or tablet, have you considered that this may be the best time for them to discover your app?

Paid in-app ads are a great way to drive app installs, and can serve as an additional touchpoint with consumers to increase brand awareness and loyalty. Retailers are catching on to the effectiveness of apps for driving ecommerce sales, with Internet Retailer citing that apps drove 42% of m-commerce sales for brands like Neiman Marcus, Kohl’s, and H&M, in 2014. But, retail isn’t the only vertical tapping into the power of apps to drive sales. Videogame brands are especially keen on in-app advertising, and some advertisers are willing to pay as much as $20 per ad due to the likelihood of consumers making purchases within the game at a later time, according to the Wall Street Journal. In-app ads also perform better than “traditional” ad placements on the mobile web, too. A recent eMarketer article explains that in-app ads served in Q3 2014 saw a clickthrough rate 2.8 times higher than ads on the mobile web. Interested in learning more about in-app? MediaMath has several solutions that advertisers can leverage before the holiday season truly comes to a close, and in-app advertising is one of them.

As part of MediaMath’s holistic solution, advertisers can target app audiences, optimize to in-app behavior, and analyze their mobile performance. Advertisers can target by numerous parameters including geo, age, day part, creative type, device type, and more, across any of MediaMath’s billions of daily mobile impressions.

If an advertiser is particularly interested in Apple iOS conversions or installs, MediaMath has recently launched a managed service offering (self-service coming soon) that allows clients to target directly within the Apple iAd Workbench across iOS inventory exclusive to Apple.

With consumers spending more time using their apps, mobile advertising, specifically in-app, is a marketing channel that can’t be ignored.