

MediaMath Identity – LiveRamp’s RampID

May 24, 2022 — by MediaMath    

Welcome to the latest in MediaMath’s Identity Landscape. In this series we’re providing an overview of our core identity partners to help advertisers choose the identity solution that’s right for them.

Your solution in a nutshell

LiveRamp offers a sustainable, addressable identity solution that enables brands and advertisers to reach authenticated audiences across browsers, apps, and CTV at scale and across geos. Built to withstand industry headwinds, including increased privacy regulation, third-party cookie deprecation, restricted use of device identifiers, limitations on data movement and use—and more, brands and advertisers can better personalize media experiences and measure campaign effectiveness by activating people-based campaigns. This solution puts consumer trust at the forefront and ensures that consumers can clearly control how they share their data.

LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) connects authenticated publisher inventory directly with marketers looking to engage high-value audiences by leveraging LiveRamp’s pseudonymous, people-based identifier, RampID. By leveraging RampID, publishers safely, securely, and efficiently pass identity through the bidstream in real-time, and enable a more consistent view of the consumer for marketers to engage. Additionally, buying on RampID will improve an advertiser’s ability to execute data-based marketing tactics such as frequency capping, suppression, segmentation, and more.

How does it work?

RampID enables LiveRamp’s customers to resolve their disparate identities—emails, name and postal, and phone numbers, to a pseudonymous, people-based identifier in a privacy-first manner. RampID is embedded across the ecosystem, allowing marketers to target one-to-one at scale and accurately attribute the effectiveness of their media investments—without relying on third-party cookies or device-based identifiers.

ATS connects first-party authentications to RampIDs, which is then made available for campaign activation. Here’s how it works:

  1. An individual authenticates on a publisher’s website (i.e., logs in with an email address, signs up for a newsletter, clicks through on a newsletter, provides their phone number for text updates, etc), which is then connected to a unique RampID. Note: Methods of hashing and encryption are layered in and no personal information is ever stored.
  2. LiveRamp connects the authenticated publisher inventory to marketer first-, second-, and third-party data for activation. The publisher has full control over how their identity is used—for direct deals, PMP/PG, and/or open exchange.
  3. Marketers can measure every impression bought on RampID and connect their impressions back to marketer data to truly understand the impact of their campaigns and the customer journey.

For a more detailed explanation, please see the diagram below:


What makes it different from other solutions on the market?

Together, RampID and ATS are able to fulfill the key criteria in adopting a sustainable identity solution:

  1. Comprehensive and omnichannel people-based identity
  2. Privacy-first and compliant approach
  3. Neutrality and interoperability
  4. Global reach
  5. Measures of real performance

The below is a high-level comparison of addressable identity solutions compared to others:

Solution Types  Pros  Cons 
Addressable identity solutions 
  • Highest ROAS 
  • Direct connection to high value audiences 
  • Proven path by walled gardens 
  • Not available for every impression 
Contextual advertising 
  • Simple 
  • Low cost 
  • Impossible to measure 
  • Poor ROAS for marketers 
Cohorts & privacy sandbox (Topics & FLEDGE) 
  • Potentially turnkey for publishers and marketers 
  • Unproven, untested 
  • Relinquishes control over the connection to your first- and third-party audiences 

However, for many advertisers, there may not be a one size fits all solution; in fact, for many brands, employing both contextual and addressable—not either/or—will enable them to pair highly valuable audience data with more contextual-type solutions such as Google Topics.

How do you see the future of identity?

While Google has delayed the depreciation of third-party cookies to late 2023, the future of identity is here now. According to eMarketer, both marketers and publishers alike find authenticated inventory solutions to be their leading preference in testing alternative solutions to cookie and device-based identifiers—and with identity solutions such as ATS, which connects authenticated inventory to a people-based identifier, for activation across omni channel campaigns, brands and publishers are already experiencing the benefits of addressable, people-based marketing today.

Now, more than ever, advertisers must prioritize identity solutions that enable them to make meaningful, privacy-first connections not only within the walled gardens, but more importantly, across the open web as well. Ultimately, delivering digital experiences that are fully addressable and measurable will improve direct consumer relationships and also deliver better business outcomes.