

In Case You Missed It – “Programmatic Buying: The FAQs Every Marketer Needs”

November 14, 2014 — by MediaMath    

Eric Picard, who was recently hired at MediaMath as VP of Strategic Partnerships, published an extensive list of definitions and explanations that cover the “basics” of programmatic buying in this iMedia Connection article. If you need a refresher on the role ad exchanges play in the digital advertising ecosystem or aren’t entirely sure if you can purchase direct or guaranteed buys programmatically then be sure to read Eric’s article, where he answers the following questions:

What does the term “programmatic” mean?

What are ad exchanges?

What is real-time bidding?

What value does an advertiser or media buyer get by using RTB?

Are exchanges only available for banner ads?

How do I buy ads on an exchange?

How do publishers sell ads over exchanges?

Can I buy directly from publishers programmatically?

Can I execute direct buys, or guaranteed buys, programmatically?

Is programmatic replacing more traditional ways of buying and selling media?

Be sure to read Eric’s article in full.