

3 Tips for Facebook Ad Creative To Drive Business Results

November 7, 2014 — by MediaMath    

Earlier this year, Facebook released a study that examined whether or not an ad creative was effective in its intended goal (like driving online conversions, for example) and how the elements of that ad that contributed to the ad’s effectiveness. The study outlines a few guidelines and develops a standard for ad creative, in order to arm advertisers with the best possible ad before pushing their content live to Facebook.

We’ve picked out the top 3 elements we think would be most useful to a brand advertiser trying to get started with Facebook creative.

1. Have a clear link to your brand. Can the user identify the brand solely based on the image of the creative? Develop a message that resonates with consumers. Don’t create an ad with visually appealing content if it doesn’t tie back to your brand.  Instead try to focus on incorporating your brand logo into the creative itself. Facebook points to numerous Bud Light campaigns where the bottles themselves were the sole focal point of the ad.

2. Let your brand’s personality shine through. An ad can have a brand’s logo featured within the content of the ad but brand personality can still be lost. Make sure to choose images that provide a clear representation of what your brand is or the intention of the ad.  Try focusing on a single product image to better communicate with and attract potential customers.

3. Reward the customer. Appeal to the customer’s emotional side. Does the ad stimulate the user emotionally? Does it bring back a feeling of nostalgia or perhaps appeal to their luxurious side?  To drive conversions focus on an informational reward such as a call to action or tying back to your brand. Facebook found that a sense of reward, such as prompting a smile or providing valuable information, tied back to purchase consideration at the bottom of the purchase funnel.

Not yet advertising on Facebook? Apply these creative suggestions when you leverage MediaMath’s Dynamic Creative, like the MediaMath client featured in the case study below:


It’s not too late to learn how you can put your social media campaigns (and creative) to work for the holiday season. Join MediaMath and Upcast Social, a MediaMath company,  in the upcoming webinar “‘Tis the Season: Leveraging Social Media Ad Campaigns for the Holidays.”


  • Deanna R. Jones

    June 17, 2015 at 8:38 pm

    Thanks for the information! I’m exploring different methods of advertising my business online, so these tips will help me know how to get started working with different social media collectives. I thought that the third point about appealing to my customer’s emotions is a great way to get more people to click on my ads. That seems to be the key to any method of advertising, because emotions have a lot to do with getting people to buy a product. I’ll be sure to think about what triggers certain emotional responses that will make my customers want to go to my site to buy my products.

  • Alex Lane

    October 6, 2015 at 3:53 pm

    Thank you for these tips. I am in the process of completing the branding for my company. I love how imply the importance of personality being an essential part of the branding. I need to make sure to carry that out as I finish this. I had never thought of it that way.

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