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Q & A With MediaMath
Rachel Meranus, SVP of Marketing at Mediamath, discusses goal-based marketing, aligning online and offline strategies, and the evolving roles of decision makers.
How does your company position itself within the marketing technology cloud?
MediaMath started a digital marketing revolution when it introduced the demand-side platform in 2007. Today it is the leading global technology company that empowers modern marketers with an extensible, open platform – a marketing operating system – to unleash the power of goal-based marketing at scale and transparently across the enterprise.
In an increasingly dense space, how do you work to differentiate your solutions?
Unlike many of our competitors, MediaMath takes a goal-based approach and enables marketers to identify their goals within TerminalOne™. We mine all of the available data and use an advanced, proprietary algorithm to determine exactly what combination of audience, media, and message will best achieve those goals. We also provide advertisers with full transparency behind the decisioning and economics of every media buy.
What is the job title of your typical prospect and have you seen this evolve over time?
On the brand side, our target prospect is often the CMO, head of digital or media or even increasingly, the head of database management or CRM. We are also seeing a new title emerge within the brands: head of programmatic. While on the agency side, we work with heads of agencies, trading desks, media buyers, planners and the like. More than ever before, the CIO or CTO and the CFO are influential decision makers as there is a fundamental shift in the infrastructure of an organization which puts marketing technology at the center for a shared view of data and analytics.
Do you have a tip for readers who wish to better manage their marketing vendors?
Education. Education. Education. The speed of innovation in the industry and the myriad of point solutions that have emerged over the past few years have made it extremely complex for marketers to determine what they need and when they need it. We created TerminalOne to ensure marketers had the educational tools and resources to “build their own stack.” Therefore, MediaMath launched its OPEN portal to help marketers navigate the complex ecosystem and foster opportunities with the data, media, and technology partners that support them.
Could you share a recent challenge that a customer asked you to solve?
Recently, we worked with a retail client to align online and offline strategies. We did this through onboarding and segmenting zip code data from in-store purchases for location-specific online targeting and coupled that with dynamic creative to serve tailored, seasonally appropriate items to the consumer.
We’ve seen tremendous success from our clients who marry their offline and online data through TerminalOne to support buying decisions across the entire customer journey.
About The Author: MediaMath
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